Short Versions
MoA Analysis
The A.1 deliverables consist an analysis of the current situation regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation needs for the Municipality of Heraklion and Ammarousion. Aim of the study is the creation of the basic framework in order to prioritize the urban green management objectives, and to analyze the way of organization and planning of the suggested interventions at the area.
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Communication Strategy
The A.2 deliverables include the development of the communications strategy, that provides guidance for effective dialogue with the various relevant target audiences and plays an important role in facilitating the collaboration between partners, stakeholders and other target audiences that will help combine the different perspectives of those involved in order to achieve the desired results. As for the stakeholder engagement strategy, it builds on the communications strategy to identify in further detail, analyze and chart the means of engaging in an impactful and sustainable way all the relevant stakeholder groups of the LIFE GrIn project.
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Action Guidelines and Indicators
The C.1 deliverable aims to present a holistic approach on guidelines for the strategic planning and management of urban green areas in response to climate change taking into consideration adaptation and mitigation to climatic changes.
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Strategic Plan MoA
Τhis Strategic Management Plans, in the framework of Action C3 and based on the results of the analysis of the current situation in the Municipality of Amarousion and Heraklion, aim to propose practices, that will enhance urban green and improve the site condition where the vegetation grows, in order to maximize and optimize its functionality and contribution to both the general ecology and urban conditions, as well as in the adaptation of the city to climate change.
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LIFE17GICGR000029_Strategic Plan_MoΗ_Final Draft_Mission4
Short Versions Spanish
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