The Green Fund, with its Board Decision 212.4.3/2021/26.05.2021, decided to co- finance LIFE GrIn project – LIFE17 GIC/GR/000029 – for the year 2021. Beneficiary of the funding, amount of 10.000€ is the Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, coordinating beneficiary of the project.
The amount of co-financing is 10.000€ and will support the implementation of project’s actions.
The total budget of LIFE GrIn project is 1.763.885€. The European Union Life Financial Instrument CINEA co-finances the project at a rate of 58,34% of the total eligible costs (1.015.505€), while the Green Fund has co-financed the project until today with a total amount of 20.000€.