The LIFE Grin Project is coordinated by Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems and Forest Products Technology (coordinating beneficiary) and it is implemented in cooperation with the associated beneficiaries GOUNARIS N. – KONTOS K. O.E. – “Homeotech Co”, Central Union of Hellenic Municipalities, Municipality of Amarousion, Municipality of Heraklion and the Ministry of Environment and Energy. The project will support the development and incorporation of coherent climate governance in the management of urban green infrastructure through the Ministry of Environment and Energy, focusing on urban green areas. It will build on the implementation of concrete actions in two Greek Municipalities (Amarousion & Heraklion) and the communication of its results through dissemination activities, as well as its replicability and transferability strategy targeting mostly other municipalities and key stakeholders in Greece and other EU countries. Central Union of Hellenic Municipalities, as a supporter of the Covenant of Mayors, will hold a key role in communication activities at the municipal level.
First, the current situation in the participating municipalities will be analyzed and SWOT analysis will be performed in order to identify key elements related to the managing of urban green areas. Also, a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy will be developed and a detailed Communication Plan will be established to efficiently address and involve the target audience and stakeholders throughout project implementation. These results and outputs will be incorporated into the elaboration of guidelines for the strategic planning and management of UGAs in response to climate change. The elaborated guidelines include best practices, common problems and solutions and also indicators to evaluate and monitor of urban green areas in relation to climate change. The next step will be to develop a cooperation platform that will serve as a register of urban green areas implementing climate change governance. This platform will be managed by YPEN after the end of the project, aiming to encourage the involvement of more municipalities, as part of the replicability and transferability strategy of the project. The outputs of the implementation of climate governance in the management & monitoring of urban green areas will be used to elaborate and implement management plans for urban green areas in the two participating municipalities. The results of the pilot implementation will be used to improve local & national policies in order to incorporate best practices and resolve conflicts. The management plans of the partner Municipalities will be evaluated and revised as part of the After-LIFE plan. The impact of the actions are under evaluation, using LIFE performance and project-specific indicators developed by the project. Several communication and dissemination activities are foreseen to be implemented by all beneficiaries. The project management is under the responsibility of the coordinating beneficiary (IMFE), with the support of all associated beneficiaries.